Data Onboarding
Consolidate product data to a Single Source of Truth
Onboard diverse product data and high-quality digital assets in a unified repository. Store, sync, and access them anytime, anywhere easily.
Import files
Effortlessly import product data from various original formats, categorize the information, and execute bulk edits to enhance data quality.
Native integrations
Effortlessly access product information via our direct integration with major ecommerce channels and marketplaces such as BigCommerce, Shopify, Amazon, Walmart, eBay, and more.
Automate imports
Automate data imports from ERP systems, point-of-sale solutions, and local databases to reduce manual effort. Schedule imports at your convenience to keep your data up to date.
Unlimited import templates
Simplify catalog management with the flexibility to create an unlimited number of import templates tailored to your specific business requirements.
Streamline data import and categorization for improved quality!