BigCommerce x Netcore Unbxd
Boost conversions with an easy-to-integrate site search solution
Enhance the shopping experience on BigCommerce stores with an AI-powered intent-based search solution that seamlessly connects shoppers with desired products.
Plug and play Netcore Unbxd with any BigCommerce store
Install plugin
Effortlessly synchronize the catalog to maintain an up-to-date search index with the latest information.
Activate Unbxd Search
Upgrade your theme by integrating Unbxd search elements, replacing BigCommerce's native search functionality.
Integrate events data
Refine the search experience based on the BigCommerce store’s previous and ongoing shopper interaction data.
Tailor-made search experiences for higher shopper retention
Visual workbench for easy no-code merchandising
View live preview
Review the real-time preview to assess the shopper experience before launching a campaign and ensure optimal results.
Conduct A/B tests
Identify successful business combinations by experimenting and fine-tuning merchandising strategies.
Advanced analytics to discover shoppers’ preferences
Understand purchase funnel
Predict sales trajectory by tracking vital metrics, visualizing performance, analyzing conversions, and comparing trends.
Analyze business strategy
Review business performance by understanding the purchase funnel and monitoring historical metrics.
Evaluate campaign performance
Monitor campaign success and leverage detailed A/B test reports to identify profitable marketing opportunities.
Advanced analytics to discover shoppers’ preferences
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Is Unbxd compatible with all BigCommerce themes?

Yes, Unbxd seamlessly integrates with any BigCommerce store, regardless of the theme. It's designed for easy installation and synchronization.

How quickly can I see the impact of Unbxd on my BigCommerce store's search functionality?

The impact is almost immediate (within few weeks). Upon installation, Unbxd enhances your store's search, providing quicker and more accurate results for shoppers.

Can Unbxd be tailored to fit our unique merchandising strategies on our BigCommerce site?

Absolutely. Unbxd's visual workbench allows you to customize and implement merchandising strategies on your BigCommerce store without requiring extensive coding.

Does Unbxd provide analytics to track the performance of our BigCommerce store's search and recommendations?

Yes, Unbxd offers advanced analytics tools, providing insights into user behavior, search performance, and the effectiveness of your merchandising strategies on your BigCommerce site.

Experience the power of Netcore Unbxd and elevate your online store!