Jerome’s x Netcore Unbxd
Jerome’s Furniture driving a personalized shopping experience with Unbxd AI-Powered Solutions
↑ 25%
Site Search Conversion
↑ 20%
Revenue From Site Search
↑ 34%
Average Order Value (AOV)
San Diego, California
Home & Furniture
“Unbxd, with over 50 AI models, is continually improving on the various widgets and experiences we have in place to help us refine and keep getting better at what we’re displaying to our customers.”
George Burt
VP of eCommerce and Omnichannel
Discover Jerome’s transformation with Netcore Unbxd
Revenue from site search saw an increase of 20% as customers were able to find what they were looking for more effectively.
Successful implementation of a hybrid personalized recommendation model.
Effective remediation of subpar relevancy search results.
Utilization of AI and ML algorithms to enhance product discovery.
Explore Jerome's success story to witness the transformative impact of AI and ML on product discovery.