Shorten the path to purchase for maximum conversion
Use the search bar to guide shoppers with intelligent real-time query suggestions. Increase shoppers’ purchase intent by recommending products, categories, and content pieces based on their preferences.
Display AI-driven query predictions
Enhance search relevance, correct misspellings, and reduce zero-results pages with intelligent autosuggestions powered by shopper behavior data.
Merchandise autosuggest
Customize typeahead to align with your business objectives effortlessly through our user-friendly visual workbench, eliminating the need for IT support.
Promote and block suggestions
Direct visitors to targeted marketing initiatives or filter out unsuitable query suggestions by effectively managing the choices presented to shoppers as they type.
Configure relevance and ranking
Optimize the ranking of query suggestions based on hits, CTR, order count, and order value parameters.
Utilize dynamic templates
Drive efficiency with an easy-to-use autosuggest template builder, ensuring fast deployment and a seamless shopper experience.
Ready-made layouts
Ready-made layouts
Accelerate setup and simplify workflows with an editable pre-designed template library.
Custom layouts
Custom layouts
Meet unique business needs with an intuitive template builder, enabling effortless creation and customization.
Evaluate autosuggest performance
Gain actionable insights on autosuggest performance with comprehensive reports that enable data-driven improvements.
Test your autosuggest performance and unleash its potential!